Hey there, I enjoy you blog very much and because of that, I have tagged you for a Liebster Blog Award! http://ow.ly/cZOVO I hope you enjoy and I look forward to reading your tags. I love the classic film stuff you post and think everyone should be reading.
Little Known Western Actors ~ Mattias Chango
[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have
appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information
that I ...
Alien Siege – review
Director: Robert Stadd
Release date: 2005
* Contains spoilers *
Oh lawdy. This came on my radar as an alien vampire film and it is (in a
very loose d...
Rendezvous with Death!
Time once again to turn up the heat of our fiendish February love fest with
another precode tale of vicious Valentinery! Okay, I really like *ACG*
A Hot-Nip
A few of you long-time *AEET'ers *may remember my 50's *Hip-Nip Drink Flask*
post from 2015 *HERE!* Well, I'm happy to report that even though it took a
T-Blockers (2023)
Dormant alien parasites are unleashed in a small Australian town after an
earthquake. They begin infecting and possessing susceptible locals,
including a...
Shortening Some Holes
Welcome to the 15th Annual Shortening!
Yes, I've probably reused that joke. IT'S BEEN 15 YEARS.
What's a Shortening, you might ask due to its cap...
Les Peaks, c'est chic
YES I know that title should really be *Les Peaks, ce sont chics*, but that
extra syllable throws the rhythm off okay! And as a member of Rhythm Nation
Favourite Five Series: MARIO BAVA
Mario Bava is one of my all-time favourite directors. Closest to my heart
are Bava’s 60s films as they were my earliest exposure to Italian cinema. I
have ...
If you are a serious fan of the films of Jess Franco, or a zombie movie
completest, it's likely you have seen the director's 1981 Nazi zombie
effort, OASIS...
Deathblog: David Lynch (1946-2025)
Of all the obituary posts I’ve felt obliged to hastily bang out for this
blog over the years, this loss is perhaps the one which has proved most
Welcome to 2025... in the real world! Here in our world of reminiscing of
decades past, welcome to 1950!:
No matter how much time marches forward, let'...
The Dark Shadows Daybook: May 6
Taped on this day in 1969: Episode 751
*When Quentin transforms into a wolf, no one is safe. As others succumb to
fear, will Tras...
So I did a little free trial on YouTube for Shudder, and as I was browsing
the titles they had available I saw a film titled Skinamarink. I thought
the ...
À la prochaine
Greetings. I have decided to close down Fascination: The Jean Rollin
Experience for good. All of the posts have been transferred over to my
main bl...
NIghtmare #20
Sebastian Boada provides the cover for this issue of Nightmare, cover dated
August 1974.
We start with the one page "Horror Fragments: The Demon Whale" by ...
The Ugly Duckling (1959)
*THE UGLY DUCKLING* used to be one of the Holy Grails for Hammer
Directed by prolific British B-Picture Director Lance Comfort and long
Bob Larkin Star Trek Art
Artist Bob Larkin has been responsible for many. many memorable covers of
the magazines that I collected when young; Planet of the Apes, Marvel's
monster ...
See You Around My Friends
After much thought and consideration, I have decided to close down my blog
once and for all. I have said this before, but I think I mean it this time.
I ...
Whew...a few recent reads
Sorry to be dragging this month. I've been mentally and physically drained
by various goings-on. I decided to skip the monthly musical interlude and
go str...
The Monster Times Star Trek Special #2: Part One
In 1974, while perusing the latest issue of The Monster Times I had just
picked up, I saw an advertisement for both the Sci-Fi Special (in
magazine format)...
Mary Shelley’s *Frankenstein; or, the Modern **Prometheus* was first
published on January 1, 1818.
200 years ago.
On, now, to Frankenstein’s third cent...
The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
Because come on. Come on. No one is going to give The Eyes of My Mother
less than five stars. I don’t care how contrarian you are; I don’t care
how much...
Macbeth Unhinged
Watching a film adaptation of *Macbeth*, or any similar canonical work of
theatre or literature, is an intrinsically different viewing experience
from the ...
News In Brief
We were sad to learn of the recent death of legendary make-up artist Dick
Smith, who passed away this week at the age of 92. His Oscar-winning career
Well, it's that time of year again, and if you're anything like me then
this a day of marathoning zombie movies and eating candy until I damn near
Steampunk Pin-Up (Not Porn!)
The lovely *Kato* of *Steampunk Couture* has gone hardcore. For those who
prefer to exercise their imaginations a bit more, Voila! *Veronique
Chevalier* in...
Bringing Bedlam to the Bijou!
It's no secret that I love movies. Especially horror movies. And like
anyone who loves something, my greatest joy comes from sharing that love
with othe...
The Last Werewolf
Title: The Last Werewolf
Author: Glen Duncan
Genre: Horror/Dark Humor
Types of Werewolves: Bipedal hybrid
How Lycanthropy is Caused: Bite, forced change ever...
Many Happy Returns: Our Final Post
[image: Tales from the Crypt poster]
As announced back in March, today will be the last day that
Classic-Horror.com updates. After today, the site will rem...
I think today is 'G'
We've established I'm bad at this, but today is G and here I am with...
Granola bars.
I'm something of a nerd about granola/breakfast bars because I take t...
Editorial April 2012 and e-issue #34
Guest Editorial By Bill Lindblad
There's an established principle of polite conversation that suggests three
topics should be carefully avoided: politic...
Son of Dracula Still!
[image: sonofdrac_still]
And with this photo of Lon Chaney Jr. portraying the Count, it's my sad
duty to tell you that this will be the last posting for thi...
Gallery 133
A new creature has come in from Dean Judd in Whitehaven, United Kingdom.
Created using Vista Paint. Nice job Dean, been a long while since we've had
a new ...
Bela Lugosi´s 129th
● Artwork by *Gor Mandra* for Bela's 129th.
*Bela Lugosi* was born *129* years ago today. Lugosi,
born October 20, 1882 as Béla Ferenc Dezcö Blasko
in Lu...
Monster of the Month: The Invisible Man
Ever since his film debut in 1933, The Invisible Man has been an important
though under appreciated member of the Universal monster pantheon. While
his f...
Good bye, 2010. Get goin', now.
I told myself I wasn't going to do this. I said to myself (and others -
i.e: WagTheFox) that I wouldn't do a 'year end retrospective', or a 'best
of' list,...
Ingrid and Michael and you and me
*The British horror film.*
A bit like the American horror film, except for the fact that a) it had a
different Golden Age (roughly 1956-1975), and b) it ha...
Jinx Speaketh
One of (if not the) most evilly influential women in music is now on
Jinx Dawson, "irreverent, erotic, fiendish Left Hand Path Ceremonial
I offer this Book of Truths
In 1848, Poe published the book that he thought would serve as his major
posthumous legacy. He was ultimately wrong, but Eureka still interests both
The links will stay up until the files have been deleted by the host sites.
After that you'll have to wait until next year. Hope you had a great
1 comment:
Hey there,
I enjoy you blog very much and because of that, I have tagged you for a Liebster Blog Award! http://ow.ly/cZOVO
I hope you enjoy and I look forward to reading your tags.
I love the classic film
stuff you post and think everyone should be reading.
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